
MFN Explained: The Cybersecurity Shield Kiwi Companies Can't Ignore

Written by Security Intelligence | 26/08/2024 7:00:00 PM

In an era where digital threats evolve at breakneck speed, New Zealand businesses find themselves in the crosshairs of increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks. The tranquil image of our island nation belies a turbulent digital landscape, one where complacency can spell disaster. Malware Free Networks (MFN) is the NCSC’s home-grown initiative that's rewriting the rules of cybersecurity for Kiwi organisations. But why should MFN matter to you and your business? This article cuts through the jargon and noise to show why MFN isn't just another tool, but a vital shield.

Why New Zealand Businesses Need Malware-Free Networks (MFN)

New Zealand businesses, from bustling Auckland startups to Canterbury's agricultural powerhouses, are increasingly finding themselves in the crosshairs of cyber attackers. The digital landscape is evolving rapidly, and with it comes a rising tide of sophisticated threats targeting Aotearoa’s organisations. This isn't just speculation – it's a stark reality. As cyber incidents multiply and financial risks escalate, the need for robust, tailored cybersecurity solutions has never been more pressing. It's not just about protecting data; it's about safeguarding the very foundation of our digital economy.

The Malware Free Networks initiative is not just another layer of digital armour, but a bespoke shield crafted for Kiwi businesses. As threats become more sophisticated, standard defences are about as effective as a paper umbrella in a monsoon. MFN steps up, offering real-time, New Zealand-specific threat intelligence that's as sharp as a tack and twice as effective.

MFN vs. Standard Threat Intelligence Feeds

Think of standard threat intelligence as a weather forecast for the entire Southern Hemisphere – useful, but not exactly tailored for your backyard barbeque. MFN, on the other hand, is like having a meteorologist camped out on your lawn, giving you minute-by-minute updates.

What sets MFN apart?

  1. Real-time, NZ-specific threat detection: While global feeds play catch-up, MFN is already three steps ahead, identifying threats targeting our corner of the world.
  2. Advanced capabilities through GCSB partnerships: Leveraging international cyber alliances, MFN taps into a goldmine of threat data that commercial solutions can only dream of.
  3. Complementing commercial solutions: MFN doesn't replace your existing security stack; it supercharges it. It's the difference between a standard flat white and one with an extra shot – and who doesn't want that extra kick?

How MFN Benefits New Zealand Businesses

MFN isn't just for the big players. Whether you're safeguarding national infrastructure or protecting your family-owned dairy, MFN scales to fit, changing the game for businesses across the spectrum.

At the top end, MFN offers enhanced protection for nationally significant organisations. Critical infrastructure, government bodies, and large corporations now benefit from top-tier, state-level protection, fortifying the pillars of our nation's digital landscape. But the beauty of MFN lies in its scalability. Small and medium enterprises can now access enterprise-grade security without breaking the bank.

This widespread adoption of MFN is improving cyber resilience for the entire NZ economy. By fortifying businesses across the board, MFN is helping to create a more robust digital ecosystem. It's a rising tide that lifts all boats – when one of us is stronger, we all benefit. This collective strength is positioning New Zealand as a leader in cybersecurity, creating a safer environment for innovation and growth.

The Instillery's Zscaler Integration: A Game-Changer

Here's where things get really interesting. The Instillery's integration of MFN with Zscaler is like combining the local knowledge of a Kiwi tour guide with the global reach of a multinational travel agency.

This partnership brings:

  1. Seamless implementation: No need for hardware overhauls or complex setups. It's plug-and-play cybersecurity at its finest.
  2. Extended protection: Whether you're accessing sensitive data from a café in Wellington or a conference in Warsaw, you're covered.
  3. Cost-effective solution: High-end security without the high-end price tag. The Instillery is offering this service at no additional charge to existing Zscaler customers – giving you more bang for your buck.

Automatic Actions: Immediate Cyber Prevention

In the cyber world, seconds count. MFN's automatic actions serve as the digital equivalent of a real-time immune system for your network. This system excels in real-time threat disruption, neutralising potential attacks with unprecedented speed and efficiency. The beauty of this automation lies in its ability to reduce response time significantly. With less need for manual intervention, your IT team can shift their focus from constantly putting out fires to driving strategic initiatives that propel your business forward.

Perhaps most impressively, MFN embodies the principle of continuous improvement. Every blocked threat feeds back into the system, making it smarter and more robust. It's akin to a self-improving AI dedicated solely to your cybersecurity, constantly learning and adapting to new threats.


In today's digital battleground, the Malware Free Networks initiative is not just an option—it's a necessity for New Zealand businesses. By leveraging MFN through The Instillery's Zscaler integration, New Zealand businesses aren't just keeping pace – they're setting the pace in the cybersecurity race. This isn't merely about protection; it's about instilling confidence in Kiwi businesses to innovate and grow in an increasingly digital world. With MFN, companies can focus on pushing boundaries and exploring new opportunities, knowing they have a vigilant, ever-evolving guardian watching over their digital assets.

From startups to corporations, MFN scales to fit, providing state-level cybersecurity without the hefty price tag. Its automated defences don't just react—they anticipate, letting you focus on innovation rather than firefighting.

The bottom line? In our interconnected world, you're only as secure as your weakest link. Don't let that be you. Contact The Instillery today and let MFN work for your business. Because in the digital age, peace of mind isn't just valuable—it's vital.